How to use Silverlight in Chrome on Windows 10 | Tech Help Knowledgebase
Microsoft Silverlight(マイクロソフト・シルバーライト)は、マイクロソフトが開発したウェブブラウザ用のプラグイン。 Microsoft Silverlight – Wikipedie Aplikace psané pomocí této technologie mohou běžet v rámci webového prohlížeče Internet Explorer. Dříve mohly běžet i v dalších prohlížečích jako Mozilla Firefox, Safari a Google Chrome, nebo v režimu "out of browser", tedy ve vlastním okně… Microsoft Silverlight — Википедия Silverlight также можно использовать для того, чтобы создавать виджеты для Windows Sidebar в Windows Vista[10]. Silverlight — Wikipédia
Google Chrome and Firefox also stopped supporting Silverlight, Google terminated support for Silverlight in Chrome in September 2015, and Mozilla for Firefox in March 2017. Microsoft will continue to support Silverlight version 5 with updates and bugfixes until October 2021, after that it will stop and many websites will have to switch to HTML5 technology to offer their content. windows - How can I enable Silverlight in Google Chrome 42+? - Super User In September 2013, Google announced its decision to move away from support for NPAPI (the Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface). In Chrome 42 NPAPI is disabled by default, disallowing plugins like Silverlight and Java. Microsoft Silverlight may not work in recent versions of Google Chrome When you use Google Chrome (version 42.0 or later) to access a website that runs Microsoft Silverlight, you see that some content is missing or that the Install Microsoft Silverlight badge is displayed. When you reinstall Silverlight, the issue still occurs. Windows 10, Chrome 45+, and Silverlight - Telerik Blogs Silverlight on Windows 10 Windows 10 is now available and the uptake of Microsoft's latest operating system has been quite strong. Currently, it's sitting in fourth place for desktop operating systems at 5.21%, according to statistics from NetMarketShare .
10 программ, которые стоит удалить в Windows XP, 7,8,10
J'ai tout le temps un message m'invitant à installer ... Google Chrome sur Windows 7 ou version ultérieure. Mozilla Firefox sous Windows Vista ou version ultérieure Opera sous Windows Vista Service Pack 2 ou version ultérieure windows - How can I enable Silverlight in Google Chrome 42 ... In September 2013, Google announced its decision to move away from support for NPAPI (the Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface). In Chrome 42 NPAPI is disabled by default, disallowing plugins like Silverlight and Java. Silverlight not working with chrome - Stack Overflow